vanity Guard
Established in 2016 VANityGUARD was born of determination and grit. The small operation started off as a small suite operation in the heart of the North Valley. It is currently run by Rachel Cordova L.C., Owner, Master Colorist and Lead along with an assistant (See “The Force”). VANityGUARD continues to grow and plant its roots with a permanent location on Candelaria between Rio Grande and 12th street.
Image Tailored for You (ITY)
We are hair color specialists and believe in Quality and Professionalism that utilizes the science and art of hair chemistry interpersonal relationships. Because of this we use a high quality Italian Color Line. Our primary concern is for the integrity and health of your hair which is the canvas that we work on. Whether YOU are looking for a soft and subtle result that you want or something avant-garde, we will work with you to achieve the best outcome that your hair will allow. We will guide you in the proper care to keep your hair looking its best. We bring together a holistic approach to bringing an IMAGE together for YOU. We offer customized and competent Hair coloring and because of this we provide an in-depth color consultation for new clients in which we take into consideration your needs and listen to your likes and dislikes about your individual aesthetic. We will also analyze your skin tone to match it to complimentary hair color tones for the best results and also screen for color allergies. We have a strong practice of Italian influence which is known for quality and excellence. We offer options: we can do a big color project to achieve the look you want or we can break it down into smaller more manageable series of appointments TAILORED for YOU. Because no head of hair is created equal, all services are different and customized for each individual. You will find that your experience at VANityGUARD will be different than other salon experienced in that we do not rush through services. Depending on what we decide together some services can take an hour some can take several hours. Other more involved services will require a series of appointments or possibly a full day or two of work. we will take and recommend extra precautions if your hair has been compromised. We will prescribe the best products and practices to continue on your own at home so that together we are successful in creating beautiful, soft, shiny, healthy hair.
VANity: Pride in one’s appearance
GUARD: To keep safe from harm; Protect; Watch over.
We want you to LOVE your hair!
We want you to get compliments!
We want you to feel good!
We love your hair and are committed to it at every turn. At each visit we will discuss your goals, limitations, likes and dislikes. We will talk about the history of your hair and what is attainable given your individual circumstance. We will follow up with YOU and continue to support you after your salon visit to make sure that what we have provided to YOU is working. We are your hair protectors!